SpagoBI REST API 2.0

SpagoBI website:

DATE: 04 September 2015


Copyright © 2015 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. All rights reserved.


This specification defines the SpagoBI REST API 2.0. SpagoBI REST API is intended to manage the lifecycle of SpagoBI analytical documents and datasets.

Status of this document

This is a work in progress and is changing on a monthly basis.

This specification is licensed under the FIWARE Open Specification License. Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. provides the software associated to SpagoBI as open source: see details here.


In order to use RESTful API you will have to authenticate yourself. You can do that through basic authentication.

It is not however mandatory to send authentication information if you are already accessing the REST services through a browser and you are logged in SpagoBI, in that case the session will be used to retrieve profile information.

NB: there is no REST interfaces to manage users. This is because users authenticate using Fiware IdM. So, to manage users you can use IdM RESTful API (

In the future will implement a second method of authentication: it will require that you send a token in all of your HTTP requests. We will add the token as a resource in our RESTful API so it will be possible to generate the token by sending a POST request to the token resource's url. The response will be a json object containing the token that will be used later on. In this way, username and password will be required only the first time.


Each request will give you results accordingly to your roles and tenant (for example, if a document is not visible to members of your tenant it will not be in the list of documents).

Right now a user can be part at most of one tenant. In future we will probably extend SpagoBI such that a user could be part of more than one.

When this change will be applied, a request will return all the resources available for each tenant of the user. It will be however added a parameter for specify the tenant to give user the possibility to filter results accordingly to what he will be going to do.


If the user is not authenticated the response status code will be 401 The other times an error appears the response code is 200 and the response body contains a json object containing the error messages.

  • Response (application/json)
            "service": "",
            "errors": [
                    "message": "Document with label [wrong_label] doesn't exist"

API Specification


The documents resource [/restful-services/2.0/documents]

The documents resource represents the list of documents that are visible to the authenticated user.

List All Documents - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents

Response 200 (application/json)

Adds a new document - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents

Before adding a new document, you have to pay attention to the fact that the document could depend on other objects, in particular a data source and/or a dataset objects. In this case you have to create those objects first, using the standard web GUI. After you created those objects, you have to reference them by their label in 'dataSourceLabel' and 'dataSetLabel' request properties.

Request (application/json)
Response 200 (application/json)

The document resource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}]

The document resource represents a specific document.

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return document with specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}

Response 200 (application/json)

Update the document - PUT /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}

Request (application/json)
Response 200 (application/json)

Delete the document - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}

Response 200 (application/json)

The preview subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/preview]

An analytical document can optionally have a static preview file, typically a screenshot. In case the document has no preview, a response with status code 404 (Not found) is returned.

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return a document's preview file with Specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/preview

The template subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template]

The template resource is optional. It is however mandatory for some type of documents. The templates of a document are versioned, so if you add a new template, the old one will be not deleted.

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return template with Specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template

Update the template - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template

Pay attention to the fact that, if a high-level REST client is used, some header information could vary.

Request (multipart/form-data)
Response 200 (application/json)

Delete the template - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template

Response 200 (application/json)

The parameters subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters]

A document can have one ore more parameters (i.e. analytical drivers) associated; you must create the analytical driver before invoking this service.

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return parameters by document's label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters

Response 200 (application/json)

Add a parameter - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters

Request (application/json)
Response 200 (application/json)

The parameter subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}]

Each parameter is seen as a resource (subresource of parameters) and is uniquely identified by its id.

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label
par_id (Required, string )
the parameter's id

Return Parameter with specified Id - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}

Response 200 (application/json)

Update the parameter - PUT /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}

Request (application/json)
Response 200 (application/json)

Delete the parameter - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}

Response 200 (application/json)

The content subresource: document execution [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/content]

This REST service applies to static reports, since they do not require user interaction. Executing a document can be seen as the act of retrieving its content. For this reason, the content of a document is represented as a subresource of it.

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return the document content - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/content

Pre-requisite: you should have a static report defined (as analytical document) and running on SpagoBI Server (look at SpagoBI documentation in order to see how to define an analytical document of type report). In order to execute the document you must put the document's parameters inside the body payload as a JSON object. There is also the outputType parameter represented as queryParameter. It accepts an output type, for example "HTML" or "PDF". The available output types depend from the kind of document. Check the available export types from the SpagoBI web application, inside the view of document.

Request (application/json)
Response 200 (application/json)

The datasets [/restful-services/2.0/datasets]

CRUD operations for Datasets

Returns the datasets - GET /restful-services/2.0/datasets

Response 200 (application/json)

Add a dataset - POST /restful-services/2.0/datasets

Request (application/json)
Response 201

The dataset [/restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}]

CRUD operations for a specific dataset

dataset_label (Required, string )
the dataset's label

Return the dataset - GET /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}

Response 200 (application/json)

Update tha dataset - PUT /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}

Request (application/json)
Response 200

Delete tha dataset - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}

The dataset content [/restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}/content]

dataset_label (Required, string )
the dataset's label

Return the dataset's content - GET /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}/content

It accepts a list of multiple query parameters, name1=value1&name2=value2&...&nameN=valueN.

Response 200

The engines resource [/restful-services/2.0/engines]

In order to create a document it is mandatory to specify its engine. The list of engines can be retrieved by sending a GET request to the engines resource's url. There POST method is not implemented because engines cannot be changed.

Get the engine resources - GET /restful-services/2.0/engines

Response 200 (application/json)

The engine resource [/restful-services/2.0/engines/{label}]

label (Required, string )
the engine's label

Get the engine specified resource - GET /restful-services/2.0/engines/{label}

Response 200 (application/json)



The documents resource [/restful-services/2.0/documents]

List All Documents - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


        "id": 1,
        "name": "Accessible sales costs",
        "description": "",
        "label": "Sales and costs",
        "visible": true,
        "stateCode": "REL",
        "creationUser": "demo_admin",
        "objMetaDataAndContents": null,
        "tenant": "SPAGOBI",
        "previewFile": null,
        "docVersion": null,
        "parametersRegion": "east",
        "dataSourceLabel": "foodmart",
        "dataSetLabel": "DEMO_SALES_COSTS",
        "typeCode": "ACCESSIBLE_HTML",
        "public": true,
        "engine": "SpagoBIAccessibleEng",
        "functionalities": [
        "creationDate": "2015-04-20 10:12:08.0"
        "id": 133,
        "name": "Char Grouped Bar",
        "description": "Char Grouped Bar",
        "label": "Char Grouped Bar",
        "visible": true,
        "stateCode": "REL",
        "creationUser": "biadmin",
        "objMetaDataAndContents": null,
        "tenant": "SPAGOBI",
        "previewFile": null,
        "docVersion": null,
        "parametersRegion": "east",
        "dataSourceLabel": "FoodmartHSQL",
        "dataSetLabel": "DS_DEMO_EXTCHART",
        "typeCode": "CHART",
        "public": true,
        "engine": "SpagoBIJSChartEngine",
        "functionalities": [
        "creationDate": "2014-01-23 11:56:59.0"

Adds a new document - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


    "name": "Accessible sales costs",
    "description": "",
    "label": "Sales and costs",
    "visible": true,
    "stateCode": "REL",
    "creationUser": "demo_admin",
    "objMetaDataAndContents": null,
    "tenant": "SPAGOBI",
    "previewFile": null,
    "docVersion": null,
    "parametersRegion": "east",
    "dataSourceLabel": "foodmart",
    "dataSetLabel": "DEMO_SALES_COSTS",
    "typeCode": "ACCESSIBLE_HTML",
    "public": true,
    "engine": "SpagoBIAccessibleEng",
    "functionalities": [
    "creationDate": "2015-04-20 10:12:08.0"
Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

The document resource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}]

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return document with specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Accessible sales costs",
    "description": "",
    "label": "Sales and costs",
    "visible": true,
    "stateCode": "REL",
    "creationUser": "demo_admin",
    "objMetaDataAndContents": null,
    "tenant": "SPAGOBI",
    "previewFile": null,
    "docVersion": null,
    "parametersRegion": "east",
    "dataSourceLabel": "foodmart",
    "dataSetLabel": "DEMO_SALES_COSTS",
    "typeCode": "ACCESSIBLE_HTML",
    "public": true,
    "engine": "SpagoBIAccessibleEng",
    "functionalities": [
    "creationDate": "2015-04-20 10:12:08.0"

Update the document - PUT /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Accessible sales costs",
    "description": "",
    "label": "Sales and costs",
    "visible": true,
    "stateCode": "REL",
    "creationUser": "demo_admin",
    "objMetaDataAndContents": null,
    "tenant": "SPAGOBI",
    "previewFile": null,
    "docVersion": null,
    "parametersRegion": "east",
    "dataSourceLabel": "foodmart",
    "dataSetLabel": "DEMO_SALES_COSTS",
    "typeCode": "ACCESSIBLE_HTML",
    "public": true,
    "engine": "SpagoBIAccessibleEng",
    "functionalities": [
    "creationDate": "2015-04-20 10:12:08.0"
Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

Delete the document - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

The preview subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/preview]

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return document's preview file with Specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/preview

Response 200


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="preview.JPG"


Preview is a file, typically an image.

The template subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template]

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return template with Specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template

Response 200


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="my_file"


Template is a file, generally an xml.

Update the template - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template

Request (multipart/form-data)


Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="my_file"


Template is a file, generally an xml.
Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

Delete the template - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/template

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

The parameters subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters]

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return parameters with Specified Label - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


					"id": 44,
					"biObjectID": 8,
					"parID": 4,
					"parameter": {
						"id": 4,
						"description": "",
						"length": null,
						"label": "",
						"name": "",
						"type": "",
						"mask": "",
						"typeId": null,
						"modality": "",
						"modalityValue": null,
						"modalityValueForDefault": null,
						"defaultFormula": "",
						"checks": null,
						"temporal": false,
						"functional": false
					"label": "Prod. department",
					"required": true,
					"modifiable": 0,
					"visible": 1,
					"multivalue": false,
					"colSpan": null,
					"thickPerc": null,
					"prog": 1,
					"priority": 2,
					"parameterUrlName": "ParDepartment",
					"parameterValues": null,
					"parameterValuesDescription": null,
					"transientParmeters": false,
					"parameterValuesRetriever": null,
					"iterative": false
					"id": 45,
					"biObjectID": 8,
					"parID": 3,
					"parameter": {
						"id": 3,
						"description": "",
						"length": null,
						"label": "",
						"name": "",
						"type": "",
						"mask": "",
						"typeId": null,
						"modality": "",
						"modalityValue": null,
						"modalityValueForDefault": null,
						"defaultFormula": "",
						"checks": null,
						"temporal": false,
						"functional": false
					"label": "Age range",
					"required": true,
					"modifiable": 0,
					"visible": 1,
					"multivalue": false,
					"colSpan": null,
					"thickPerc": null,
					"prog": 1,
					"priority": 3,
					"parameterUrlName": "ParAgeGroup",
					"parameterValues": null,
					"parameterValuesDescription": null,
					"transientParmeters": false,
					"parameterValuesRetriever": null,
					"iterative": false

Add a parameter - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


				"biObjectID": 8,
				"parID": 4,
				"parameter": {
					"id": 4,
					"description": "",
					"length": null,
					"label": "",
					"name": "",
					"type": "STRING",
					"mask": "",
					"typeId": null,
					"modality": "",
					"modalityValue": null,
					"modalityValueForDefault": null,
					"defaultFormula": "",
					"checks": null,
					"temporal": false,
					"functional": false
				"label": "Prod. department",
				"required": true,
				"modifiable": 0,
				"visible": 1,
				"multivalue": false,
				"colSpan": 1,
				"thickPerc": 0,
				"prog": 1,
				"priority": 1,
				"parameterUrlName": "ParDepartment",
				"parameterValues": null,
				"parameterValuesDescription": null,
				"transientParmeters": false,
				"parameterValuesRetriever": null,
				"iterative": false
Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

The parameter subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}]

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label
par_id (Required, string )
the parameter's id

Return Parameter with specified Id - GET /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


				"id": 44,
				"biObjectID": 8,
				"parID": 4,
				"parameter": {
					"id": 4,
					"description": "",
					"length": null,
					"label": "",
					"name": "",
					"type": "STRING",
					"mask": "",
					"typeId": null,
					"modality": "",
					"modalityValue": null,
					"modalityValueForDefault": null,
					"defaultFormula": "",
					"checks": null,
					"temporal": false,
					"functional": false
				"label": "Prod. department",
				"required": true,
				"modifiable": 0,
				"visible": 1,
				"multivalue": false,
				"colSpan": 1,
				"thickPerc": 0,
				"prog": 1,
				"priority": 1,
				"parameterUrlName": "ParDepartment",
				"parameterValues": null,
				"parameterValuesDescription": null,
				"transientParmeters": false,
				"parameterValuesRetriever": null,
				"iterative": false

Update the parameter - PUT /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


				"id": 44,
				"biObjectID": 8,
				"parID": 4,
				"parameter": {
					"id": 4,
					"description": "",
					"length": null,
					"label": "",
					"name": "",
					"type": "STRING",
					"mask": "",
					"typeId": null,
					"modality": "",
					"modalityValue": null,
					"modalityValueForDefault": null,
					"defaultFormula": "",
					"checks": null,
					"temporal": false,
					"functional": false
				"label": "Prod. department",
				"required": true,
				"modifiable": 0,
				"visible": 1,
				"multivalue": false,
				"colSpan": 1,
				"thickPerc": 0,
				"prog": 1,
				"priority": 1,
				"parameterUrlName": "ParDepartment",
				"parameterValues": null,
				"parameterValuesDescription": null,
				"transientParmeters": false,
				"parameterValuesRetriever": null,
				"iterative": false
Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

Delete the parameter - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/parameters/{par_id}

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json

The content subresource [/restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/content]

document_label (Required, string )
the document's label

Return the document content - POST /restful-services/2.0/documents/{document_label}/content

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


               	"id": "1",
		    "label": "Country",
		    "type": "string",
		    "urlName": "country",
		    "values": ["Italy","USA"]
Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="my_file"


documents content as file

The datasets [/restful-services/2.0/datasets]

Returns the datasets - GET /restful-services/2.0/datasets

Request Payload
callback (Not required, string)
the callback function for the response, optional

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


            "active": true,
            "categoryId": null,
            "commonInfo": {
                "organization": null,
                "sbiVersionDe": null,
                "sbiVersionIn": "4.0",
                "sbiVersionUp": null,
                "timeDe": null,
                "timeIn": 1437646316000,
                "timeUp": null,
                "userDe": null,
                "userIn": "biadmin",
                "userUp": null
            "configuration": {
                "Query": "select * from business_demo_meter",
                "dataSource": "Cosmos",
                "queryScript": "",
                "queryScriptLanguage": ""
            "description": null,
            "id": {
                "dsId": 4,
                "organization": "SPAGOBI",
                "versionNum": 7
            "label": "Meter",
            "metaVersion": null,
            "metadata": {
                "fieldsMeta": [
                        "alias": "id",
                        "fieldType": "ATTRIBUTE",
                        "name": "id",
                        "properties": {},
                        "type": "java.lang.String"
                        "alias": "recvtime",
                        "fieldType": "ATTRIBUTE",
                        "name": "recvtime",
                        "properties": {},
                        "type": "java.lang.String"
                "properties": {
                    "resultNumber": "3276"
            "name": "Meter",
            "numRows": false,
            "owner": "biadmin",
            "parameters": [],
            "persistTableName": "",
            "persisted": false,
            "pivotColumnName": null,
            "pivotColumnValue": null,
            "pivotRowName": null,
            "publicDS": true,
            "sbiVersionDe": null,
            "sbiVersionIn": null,
            "sbiVersionUp": null,
            "scope": {
                "commonInfo": {
                    "organization": null,
                    "sbiVersionDe": null,
                    "sbiVersionIn": "4.0",
                    "sbiVersionUp": null,
                    "timeDe": null,
                    "timeIn": 1436791308000,
                    "timeUp": null,
                    "userDe": null,
                    "userIn": "server",
                    "userUp": null
                "domainCd": "DS_SCOPE",
                "domainNm": "Dataset scope",
                "valueCd": "USER",
                "valueDs": "Dataset scope",
                "valueId": 185,
                "valueNm": "User"
            "scopeId": 185,
            "timeDe": null,
            "timeIn": null,
            "timeUp": null,
            "transformerId": null,
            "type": "SbiQueryDataSet",
            "userDe": null,
            "userIn": null,
            "userUp": null
            "active": true,
            "categoryId": 150,
            "commonInfo": {
                "organization": null,
                "sbiVersionDe": null,
                "sbiVersionIn": "4.0",
                "sbiVersionUp": null,
                "timeDe": null,
                "timeIn": 1441025411000,
                "timeUp": null,
                "userDe": null,
                "userIn": "biadmin",
                "userUp": null
            "configuration": {
                "restAddress": "",
                "restDirectlyJSONAttributes": "false",
                "restFetchSize": "limit",
                "restHttpMethod": "Post",
                "restJsonPathAttributes": [
                        "jsonPathType": "string",
                        "jsonPathValue": "pros3",
                        "name": "id"

                "restJsonPathItems": "$",
                "restMaxResults": "",
                "restNGSI": "true",
                "restOffset": "offset",
                "restRequestBody": "{ \n    \"entities\": [ \n        {\n            \"isPattern\": \"true\",\n            \"type\":\"Meter\",\n            \"id\": \".*\"\n        }\n    ]\n}",
                "restRequestHeaders": {
                    "Accept": "application/json",
                    "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "description": "Meters Values",
            "id": {
                "dsId": 5,
                "organization": "SPAGOBI",
                "versionNum": 10
            "label": "RestMetersValues",
            "metaVersion": null,
            "metadata": {
                "fieldsMeta": [

                        "alias": "upstreamActivePower",
                        "fieldType": "ATTRIBUTE",
                        "name": "upstreamActivePower",
                        "properties": {
                            "jsonPathValue": "$.contextResponses[?(].contextElement.attributes[?(].value"
                        "type": "java.lang.Double"
                        "alias": "downstreamActivePower",
                        "fieldType": "ATTRIBUTE",
                        "name": "downstreamActivePower",
                        "properties": {
                            "jsonPathValue": "$.contextResponses[?(].contextElement.attributes[?(].value"
                        "type": "java.lang.Double"
                "properties": {}
            "name": "RestMetersValues",
            "numRows": false,
            "owner": "biadmin",
            "parameters": [],
            "persistTableName": "",
            "persisted": false,
            "pivotColumnName": null,
            "pivotColumnValue": null,
            "pivotRowName": null,
            "publicDS": true,
            "sbiVersionDe": null,
            "sbiVersionIn": null,
            "sbiVersionUp": null,
            "scope": null,
            "scopeId": null,
            "timeDe": null,
            "timeIn": null,
            "timeUp": null,
            "transformerId": null,
            "type": "SbiRESTDataSet",
            "userDe": null,
            "userIn": null,
            "userUp": null
            "active": true,
            "categoryId": null,
            "commonInfo": {
                "organization": null,
                "sbiVersionDe": null,
                "sbiVersionIn": "4.0",
                "sbiVersionUp": null,
                "timeDe": null,
                "timeIn": 1440514105000,
                "timeUp": null,
                "userDe": null,
                "userIn": "biadmin",
                "userUp": null
            "configuration": {
                "Query": "select *",
                "dataSource": "Cosmos",
                "queryScript": "",
                "queryScriptLanguage": ""
            "description": null,
            "id": {
                "dsId": 6,
                "organization": "SPAGOBI",
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                "restRequestBody": "{ \n    \"entities\": [ \n        {\n            \"isPattern\": \"true\",\n            \"type\":\"Meter\",\n            \"id\": \".*\"\n        }\n    ]\n}",
                "restRequestHeaders": {}
            "description": "Rest1 Desc",
            "id": {
                "dsId": 7,
                "organization": "SPAGOBI",
                "versionNum": 2
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            "metadata": {
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                        "name": "id",
                        "properties": {
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                        "name": "atTime",
                        "properties": {
                            "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ",
                            "jsonPathType": "$.attributes[?(].type",
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            "type": "SbiRESTDataSet",
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            "userUp": null

Add a dataset - POST /restful-services/2.0/datasets

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


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            "queryScript": "",
            "queryScriptLanguage": ""
        "description": null,
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        "timeDe": null,
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        "timeUp": null,
        "transformerId": null,
        "type": "SbiQueryDataSet",
        "userDe": null,
        "userIn": null,
        "userUp": null
Response 201


Location: 1.0/datasets/datasetLabel

The dataset [/restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}]

dataset_label (Required, string )
the dataset's label

Return the dataset - GET /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


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        "userIn": null,
        "userUp": null

Update tha dataset - PUT /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}

Request (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


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        "userDe": null,
        "userIn": null,
        "userUp": null
Response 200

Delete tha dataset - DELETE /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}

Response 200

The dataset content [/restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}/content]

dataset_label (Required, string )
the dataset's label

Return the dataset's content - GET /restful-services/2.0/datasets/{dataset_label}/content

Response 200


        "metaData": {
            "totalProperty": "results",
            "root": "rows",
            "id": "id",
            "fields": [
                    "name": "column_1",
                    "header": "MONTH",
                    "dataIndex": "column_1",
                    "type": "string"
                    "name": "column_2",
                    "header": "SALES_STORE",
                    "dataIndex": "column_2",
                    "type": "float"
                    "name": "column_3",
                    "header": "COSTS_STORE",
                    "dataIndex": "column_3",
                    "type": "float"
                    "name": "column_4",
                    "header": "REVENUE",
                    "dataIndex": "column_4",
                    "type": "float"
                    "name": "column_5",
                    "header": "PERC_SALES",
                    "dataIndex": "column_5",
                    "type": "float"
                    "name": "column_6",
                    "header": "PERC_COSTS",
                    "dataIndex": "column_6",
                    "type": "float"
                    "name": "column_7",
                    "header": "PERC_REVENUE",
                    "dataIndex": "column_7",
                    "type": "float"
        "results": 11,
        "rows": [
                "id": 1,
                "column_1": "January",
                "column_2": "71048.40",
                "column_3": "28416.27",
                "column_4": "207046.27",
                "column_5": "9.13",
                "column_6": "9.11",
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                "column_1": "February",
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                "column_3": "27334.47",
                "column_4": "197757.39",
                "column_5": "8.75",
                "column_6": "8.76",
                "column_7": "8.71"
                "id": 3,
                "column_1": "March",
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                "column_3": "28402.76",
                "column_4": "206900.17",
                "column_5": "9.09",
                "column_6": "9.10",
                "column_7": "9.11"

The engines resource [/restful-services/2.0/engines]

Get the engine resources - GET /restful-services/2.0/engines

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


            "biobjTypeId": 15,
            "className": "",
            "criptable": 0,
            "description": "Cockpit Engine",
            "dirUpload": null,
            "dirUsable": null,
            "driverName": "it.eng.spagobi.engines.drivers.cockpit.CockpitDriver",
            "engineTypeId": 55,
            "id": 25,
            "label": "SpagoBICockpitEngine",
            "name": "Cockpit Engine",
            "secondaryUrl": null,
            "url": "/SpagoBICockpitEngine/api/1.0/pages/execute",
            "useDataSet": false,
            "useDataSource": false
            "biobjTypeId": 7,
            "className": "",
            "criptable": 0,
            "description": "What-If Engine",
            "dirUpload": null,
            "dirUsable": null,
            "driverName": "it.eng.spagobi.engines.drivers.whatif.WhatIfDriver",
            "engineTypeId": 55,
            "id": 26,
            "label": "SpagoBIWhatIfEngine",
            "name": "What-If Engine",
            "secondaryUrl": null,
            "url": "/SpagoBIWhatIfEngine/restful-services/start",
            "useDataSet": false,
            "useDataSource": true

The engine resource [/restful-services/2.0/engines/{label}]

label (Required, string )
the engine's label

Get the engine specified resource - GET /restful-services/2.0/engines/{label}

Response 200 (application/json)


Content-Type: application/json


        "biobjTypeId": 15,
        "className": "",
        "criptable": 0,
        "description": "Cockpit Engine",
        "dirUpload": null,
        "dirUsable": null,
        "driverName": "it.eng.spagobi.engines.drivers.cockpit.CockpitDriver",
        "engineTypeId": 55,
        "id": 25,
        "label": "SpagoBICockpitEngine",
        "name": "Cockpit Engine",
        "secondaryUrl": null,
        "url": "/SpagoBICockpitEngine/api/1.0/pages/execute",
        "useDataSet": false,
        "useDataSource": false


The editors would like to express their gratitude to the following people who actively contributed to this specification: Monica Franceschini, Alessandro Daniele
